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Miami Chapter Contacts


Chairperson: Andres Polo
Responsible for overseeing and leading the chapter 's development and operations. This is usually the founder who possesses strong skills in leadership, Web marketing, and communication skills. The chairperson/founder of a chapter clearly understands the objectives and "vision" of a chapter's operation, and is self-motivated to see it carried out.

Vice Chairperson: Open Position
Assists chairperson in developing and achieving chapter's goals.

Professional Networking Chair: Open Position
Responsible developing chapter activities and methods to foster professional networking opportunities between members, community, businesses and employers.

Web Site Developer/Webmaster (s): Open Position Work with chapter's board and membership to design and maintain a Web site that represents the chapter's objectives.

Membership Chair: Open Position
Responsible for developing and implementation of chapter's membership plan that promotes the objectives of the chapter which is likely to include the following: building membership, promote the services of professional members to businesses and employers, and building goodwill within the community.

News and Events Chair: Open Position
Maintains the flow of news/information to and from chapter membership. Provides design and maintainence of News section of chapter site. Serves as chapter's newsletter editor who coordinates and solicits incoming news from members, businesses, community ,and WebProfession Ezine Team.

Professional Development Chair: Open Position
Oversees PD committee to review and recommend Certified and Senior member applicants. Identifies local educational resources including universities, trade schools, and training centers and provides this information through the maintainence of the educational resource section of chapter's site.


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