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About The Miami Chapter

About Our Chapter:

This chapter is an official chapter of the International Webmasters Association ("IWA") organized to bring local members together to achieve the following International and Chapter's objectives.


Goals and Objectives:


  • Maintain IWA's status as the leading organization for Web professionals.
  • Provide a superior professional development program for Web professionals.
  • Develop an international network of official IWA chapters.
  • Allow all members the opportunity to participate in leadership positions at the chapter, regional, and international levels.
  • Market IWA's member database to the international business community as "The Internet Resource for Businesses"


  • Foster professional networking amongst members at the chapter level.
  • Promote the services of IWA members to businesses and employers.
  • Develop and maintain a chapter Web site to establish a communication medium between members, community, and businesses.
  • Provide professional development programs and resources.


Members Include:

Web site designers and developers, graphics designers, IS specialists, Webmasters, programmers, intranet/extranet specialists, system administrators, marketing specialists, educators, entrepreneurs, editors, writers, multimedia designers, software engineers, and others participating in the development and management of Web technology.


Membership Benefits:

The International Webmasters Association provides several member services and benefits including:

  • Listing of professional member profile in international member database.
  • Employment opportunities through IWA's job resources.
  • Professional development and certification programs.
  • Enhanced public perception of the individual member as well as the company with which he or she is associated.
  • Opportunity for a wide range of professional contacts.
  • Leadership roles at the chapter, regional and international levels are opportunities for personal and professional growth.
  • A Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Practice.
  • Affiliation with the World's leading organization for Web professionals.



The International Webmasters Association is an individual membership association organized solely for the benefit of its members. Members shall be dedicated to self-development, sharing ideas, and professional networking. IWA members, in their professional conduct, shall be guided by IWA's Standards of Professional Practice and a Code of Ethics to provide superior service to their employers and clients. Professional Development shall be the cornerstone of the IWA.


Who May Join:

Any individual who will contribute to the development, integrity, and the advancement of the Webmastering industry and the objectives of the IWA.

Join: Chapter membership begins at the International level. To learn more about specific membership requirements, then read how to Join the IWA.


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